"Psychic and intuitive abilities should not be regarded as the gift of the few, they are the birthright of everyone on Earth. These abilities are latent within us all and intuition and psychic development can occur through spiritual practices." Dr. George KingWe are all born intuitive but people, usually well meaning, begin projecting on us [...]
What a journey!Having just turned 22 years sober, I have been reflecting on how it was 22 years ago and how much I have changed since then. The influences and catalysts for change have been varied and life changing. If I had known then the challenges I was about to face and get through sober, [...]
I have to say, while the premise of books like The Secret or the Power of now hold some truth, they also do a lot of damage. Good people write themselves out a check for $100K and then it does not manifest so they end up feeling unworthy or that they did something wrong. The [...]
My friend, Ann, calls me an anarchist. One of my boys said I am starting to sound like a Communist. So I guess they are both right, I am an anarchist communist. My Conservative Republican ancestors will be rolling over in their graves at this realization. I think, that is because they didn’t understand Communism. [...]
Are we losing compassion as a society? Are we not our brother’s keepers? Maybe, times are getting harder for everyone and it seems those that have a little are resenting those who have nothing. The people on welfare did not create the Welfare State. They are victims. AFDC (originally called Aid to Dependent Children) ADC was [...]
Forgiveness People have always struggled with the idea and act of forgiveness, perhaps a definition of the word would be a good place to start. Merriam –Webster defines to forgive as: to give up resentment of or claim to requital for, to grant relief from payment of to cease to feel resentment against. The definition is [...]